Supporting your voice in Washington, DC
Making the case since 1976, NAICU is the only national organization solely focused on representing private, nonprofit higher education on public policy issues in Washington, DC.

Your Champion & Advocate in Washington, DC
Protecting the independence of private, nonprofit institutions, and ensuring that all students, regardless of family income, have access to higher education, are the prisms through which NAICU views its policy choices and courses of action. NAICU’s policy mission has three core elements:

Protecting Student Aid
With its members, NAICU ensures adequate funding for core student aid programs, and protects those programs from excessive cuts.

Promoting Sound Tax Policy
NAICU works to maintain federal support for students and families through the current levels of tax benefits.

Seeking Appropriate Regulation
Tracking and responding to the growing regulatory demands placed on higher education institutions is a NAICU priority.
At a Glance: Independent Higher Education
NAICU by the Numbers
NAICU is the only national association advocating solely on behalf of private, nonprofit colleges and universities in Washington, DC. The association represents all 1,700 private, nonprofit colleges and universities and more than 5 million students.

The Value of NAICU Membership
Works regularly with Congress, the White House, and federal agencies
Tracks, analyzes, and summarizes policy, legislation and regulations
Provides tools, resources, legislative alerts, updates, and webinars
Serves as a convener and coalition builder