Tips for Observing Constitution Day
This is a reminder that in 2005, Congress passed legislation mandating educational institutions receiving federal funds to hold an educational program relating to the United States Constitution on Sept 17 each year. This day commemorates the September 17, 1787, signing of the Constitution. The federal provision does not define "educational program." Therefore, there is a great deal of latitude as to how exactly your college or university chooses to honor the day.
If you are looking for some last-minute ideas, several resources are available. The Department of Education lists a number of planning tools and activities for recognizing the day on their Web site. In addition, the Constitution Center Web site offers a number of idea starters.
Two years ago, Inside Higher Ed ran an article describing ways a handful of colleges were planning to respond to the new mandate. You may find the some of the ideas shared useful as well.
The regulations do not indicate any penalties for failure to comply with the mandate, nor do they indicate that specific activities need to be reported.
For more information, contact Bo Newsome,