Washington Update

NAICU Rolls Out Second Loan Survey

NAICU rolled out its second student loan survey on September 10 to assess the effects of the capital crisis on student loan availability. (For a link to the online survey, e-mail geninfo@naicu.edu.)

Although the survey remains open until September 30, Congress is already using the initial data from the nearly 150 college responses received in the first 48 hours, as background for a one-year extension of the emergency student loan provisions approved last May. The legislation, while imperfect, has helped take the pressure off loan capital for this fall's enrollments, and is widely viewed as helping the student loan industry avoid the crisis currently facing the housing and broader financial markets.

NAICU will be providing legislators with regular updates on survey results, so we encourage all NAICU members to complete the survey as soon as possible. The survey applies to both direct lending and FFELP schools, and consists of 18 multiple-choice questions, with optional boxes for providing comments as needed. Financial aid directors should be able to complete the survey in a short period of time.

With the Senate expected to vote on the legislation extending the emergency student loan measure later this week, broad based participation is needed - and deeply appreciated.

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