Washington Update

House Appropriations Committee Increases Early Intervention Funding

At a quick, early morning mark up, House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) announced the funding levels for FY 2010 for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education.  The big news for student aid is that the subcommittee increased the early intervention programs by $20 million each, putting TRIO at $868 million and GEAR UP at $333 million.  Both programs were level funded in the president's budget request, and were not increased with stimulus funds.

For the other student aid programs, the bill provides an additional $498 million to maintain the appropriated base of the Pell Grant maximum at $4,860.  When combined with the mandatory add-on of $690, this sets the maximum grant for the 2010-11 award year at $5,550.  The campus-based programs are level funded.

Ranking member Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.) made brief opening remarks, noting the "spending spree Democrats have been on since January" and asking for an open rule when the bill comes to the House floor.  During consideration of other appropriations bills recently, the Republican minority has complained of the closed rules for consideration (which is a common rule for such bills), and have used various procedural roadblocks to slow down debate - basically creating procedural filibusters in the House.

The full appropriations committee will consider this bill next week, with amendments, earmarks and a more animated session expected.

Here are links to the news release and summary table from the committee. 

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