Department Acts on Higher Education Opportunity Act
The department's notice on negotiating rule-making asked for nominations for five teams that will cover loans, grants, accreditation, and other more general areas. NAICU has nominated negotiators and alternates for three of the teams - School-based Loan Issues (II), Accreditation (III), and General and Non-Loan Programmatic Issues (V). Nominations must be received by January 23.
The teams are expected to begin meeting as early as February, depending on the wishes of the new administration, and meet for three sessions of approximately three days at roughly monthly intervals. Each team will cover a number of sub-topics, and may need expert input on some unique issues. The department's goal is to complete the negotiations by the end of spring, in order to publish the final regulations by November 1, 2009 - the statutory deadline for publishing student financial assistance final regulations.
Links to the actual notices are on NAICU's HEA 101 Web site.