Washington Update

GI Bill Updates

Plans are changing and procedures are being refined as the new GI Bill Yellow Ribbon program approaches the June 15 cutoff for private colleges to participate in 2009-10.  Here is a summary of recent developments. 

Yellow Ribbon Program Sign-up Deadline Extended to June 15

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has extended the deadline for institutions to submit formal Yellow Ribbon agreements from May 15 to June 15. The agreement form, letter with more details, and additional information is posted on the VA Web site. Colleges intending to participate in the program must submit a hard copy of the completed form to the VA by the deadline, in order to offer a Yellow Ribbon program for the 2009-10 academic year.   

Preliminary List of Yellow Ribbon Participants Posted on NAICU Web site 

NAICU has developed an informal listing of private colleges that we know have announced plans to participate in the GI Bill's Yellow Ribbon program.  


The list - compiled by NAICU from campus sources and news accounts - is intended to illustrate the interest that has been expressed in the Yellow Ribbon Program.  It is not the official list of participants being collected by Veterans Affairs. 


The list includes only private, nonprofit institutions.  Colleges on the list may not have yet submitted official participant agreements with the VA.   Likewise, many colleges not yet on the list may plan to participate, but have not yet announced those plans or notified NAICU.

Qualifying institutions that wish to be included on this list should contact Tony Pals at tony@naicu.edu

Payment Information

The VA has indicated that letters will be sent to college presidents offering more detailed information about GI Bill payments from the VA.  The letter explains how schools will receive and identify payments from VA and discusses avoiding debts, and refunding money.  The letter is available on the VA Web site.


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