Washington Update

NEH Challenge Grants in U.S. History and Culture

The National Endowment for the Humanities invites proposals for challenge grants designed to help institutions and organizations secure long-term improvements in and support for humanities activities that advance knowledge of the American experience in both national and international contexts.

The grants are designed to help institutions explore significant themes and events in American history, to advance understanding of how these events have shaped and been shaped by American identity and culture.  NEH seeks to support any and all approaches to American history and culture.

Grants can be used directly to support construction or renovation of facilities, acquisition of material and equipment.  Long-term depleting or bridging funds may also be used to support programs or activities that are long-lived but not permanent.  Grant funds can also be used to establish endowments which generate expendable earnings for program activities.  NEH particularly welcomes proposals for programming at America's historic places, as well as applications that address U.S. history and culture through the use of digital technologies.

The application deadline is February 3, 2010.  Grants have ranged from $30,000 to $1,000,000 in federal funds. Each federal dollar offered must be matched with $3 in nonfederal funds.  Recipients have up to 68months to raise the matching funds.

Guidelines are posted on the NEH Web site, or contact the NEH Office of Challenge Grants at (202) 606-8309,

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