Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics Announces Grant Opportunity
The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics has announced a new grants program to support research on intercollegiate athletics policy.
For the 2011-12 academic year (including Summer 2012), the commission will award grants for researchers to conduct studies in three areas: academic integrity and valuable educational experiences for college athletes; fiscal integrity of athletics programs; and presidential and academic authority over the operations of intercollegiate athletics.
The first level of grants will be funded up to $25,000, based on the quality of the proposal and the justifications in the proposed budgets. Based on the same criteria, the commission will award up to $5,000 in a second level of grants. The full request for proposal is available on the Knight Commission website.
The deadline for proposals is August 5, with winners to be announced on October 24. Any questions regarding the grant program should be e-mailed to
The Knight Commission is co-chaired by R. Gerald Turner, president of Southern Methodist University and a member of the NAICU board of directors, and William E. "Brit" Kirwan, chancellor of the University System of Maryland.