Pell Grant 2012-13 Payment Schedule Released
The Department of Education has now published the 2012-13 Federal Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules. As had been announced earlier, the maximum Pell Grant for the 2012-13 award year is $5,550, the same as last year. In most cases, the amount of a student's 2012-13 grant will be tied to the same Expected Family Contribution used for the 2011-12 award.
One change, though, is that determination of the minimum Pell Grant has been modified, under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012, signed by President Obama on December 23. The minimum grant award is still 10 percent of the maximum award, or $555. However, students who are eligible for at least 5 percent of the maximum will no longer be "bumped up" to the minimum award, as was the case in the past.
In short, a student whose eligibility is 1 to 9 percent of the $5,500 maximum will not receive a Pell Grant. More information on the new Pell Grant Schedule is available on line.