House Education and Workforce Committee Solicits Obamacare Stories
Both supporters and opponents of the new health care law continue to press for colleges and universities to weigh in on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Previously, the White House and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) asked for help from the higher education community on enrolling students in the state exchanges.
Now, earlier this month, the House Education and Workforce Committee announced that it is seeking its own feedback from colleges and universities on the impacts of the new law. On December 11, majority members of the committee distributed a release asking for the public to provide their stories on the effects of Obamacare on the nation’s education system. This request follows a committee hearing held on November 14, where members focused on the complications the new health law has imposed on colleges and universities, including increased costs and burdensome compliance measures. Of particular importance to higher education, members pressed the Obama Administration for clarification on long-standing questions about the coverage rules for student employees and adjunct faculty.
Rumors are circulating in Washington that a ruling on the adjunct matter could come as early as the end of December, although the complex matter could just as easily continue to be tied up in the regulatory approval process.