Washington Update

Department of Education Announces Negotiated Rulemaking Sessions on Campus Security

The Department of Education has announced its plans to establish a negotiated rulemaking committee to develop regulations dealing with the changes made by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) to the campus safety and security reporting requirements of the Higher Education Act. [See March 12, 2013 Washington Update]

The Department announcement, published in the September 19 Federal Register, indicated the committee would hold three sessions next year: January 13-14; February 24-25; and March 31-April 1. NAICU will be submitting a nomination to the committee.

Campus security is one of several topics on which the Department invited comments during four hearings held earlier this year [See May 2, 2013 Washington Update]. This committee is the second to emerge following these hearings. The first panel, dealing with gainful employment, is currently scheduled to complete its deliberations on October 21-23.

In addition to considering the changes made by VAWA, the Department indicates that the negotiators may consider “additional changes to update the existing campus safety and security reporting requirements.”

For more information, please contact:
Tim Powers

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