Washington Update

Save the Date for the 2015 NAICU Annual Meeting

Presidents of the nation’s private, nonprofit colleges and universities will gather February 1-4, 2015 in Washington, DC, for the NAICU Annual Meeting and Advocacy Day. The theme for the 2015 meeting is Capitol Conversations: Overcoming Challenges, Exploring New Opportunities.

The 114th Congress will convene in early January 2015 with a host of new members in both the House and Senate. The Congressional agenda is likely to include new guidelines for student discipline and teacher preparation programs as part of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act.

Much will be at stake for NAICU members, making it critically important to pause and make time to take the case for private, nonprofit higher education to the Hill on Advocacy Day on Feb. 3.

Plan to be in Washington in early February for these important conversations – central to securing our institutions’ future - and for the learning, sharing and camaraderie that are always part of the NAICU Annual Meeting.

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