Your Vote, Your Voice National Campus Voter Registration Project Returns for 2014
Voter education and registration activities historically have been important undertakings of the nation’s colleges and universities. Since 2000, federal law has required postsecondary institutions to make a good-faith effort to distribute voter registration forms to all of their on-campus degree or certificate-seeking students.
To assist campuses with voter registration efforts, the 48 member Washington Higher Education Secretariat recently launched the website Your Vote, Your Voice 2014, the National Campus Voter Registration Project.
Co-chaired by NAICU President David L. Warren, Your Vote, Your Voice 2014 encourages campuses across the nation to engage in voter education, registration and Get-Out-The-Vote activities throughout the 2014 election cycle.
The federal voter registration requirement can be met by providing access to registration forms electronically through an email message devoted exclusively to voter registration. Voter registration deadlines arrive as early as October 4.
NAICU recommends members send out the dedicated voter registration message to students as soon as possible to ensure students and others have the opportunity to register prior to the passing of the deadline.
The Your Vote, Your Voice 2014 resources are web based. A brochure mailed to campus presidents and student affairs leaders in August provides an overview of the voter registration initiative. It is intended to encourage those on campus to visit the Your Vote, Your Voice 2014 website to find:
- Link to the U.S. Vote Foundation’s Voter Registration/Absentee Voter web portal
- Detailed information on registration deadlines by state (First state registration deadlines are Oct. 4)
- State-by-state links to election offices and regulations
- 2014 Project Organization Handbook
- Customizable campaign poster for use on campus
- Website widget for your student pages linking to the Voter Registration/Absentee Voter web portal
NAICU’s Public Affairs team will tweet updates @yourvote14 throughout the campaign season.