NAICU's 2017 Annual Meeting Registration Underway
Private, nonprofit college and university presidents, along with their government relations and public relations professionals, are encouraged to the attend NAICU’s 2017 Annual Meeting, January 29 through February 1 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC.
Attendees will gain a better understanding of the new political and policy landscape in Washington, and the implications for private higher education and your campus. During the meeting, NAICU will launch its Student Choice Initiative which will serve as a thematic centerpiece for our sessions and provide attendees with resources to promote private colleges and universities and the role they play in educating students from all backgrounds and as economic and civic cornerstones in their communities. The bi-partisan Congressional Independent College Caucus, led by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Michael Capuano (D-MA), will officially be introduced during a special reception on January 31.
Advocacy Day, NAICU’s annual outreach initiative when presidents are encourage to visit with their Congressional delegation, is set for January 31. It is imperative for NAICU members to carry the private college message directly to representatives and their staff on the Hill.
Among the confirmed speakers:
- Charles E. Cook, Jr., Editor and Publisher, The Cook Political Report and Columnist, National Journal
- Judy Woodruff, Co-Anchor and Managing Editor, PBS NewsHour
- Jonathan Rauch, Senior Fellow in Governance Studies, Brookings Institution, and Contributing Editor, National Journal and The Atlantic
- Mike McCurry, Distinguished Professor of Public Theology, Wesley Theological Seminary, and Former Press Secretary for President Bill Clinton
Don't forget to register for the Government Relations Academy on Sunday, January 29, and the Public Relations Academy on Monday, January 30.
Registration is now open on the NAICU website. Register today!