Nearly 600 Institutions and Organizations Urge Congress to Support Federal Student Aid
As a co-leader of the Student Aid Alliance, NAICU is partnering with a broader coalition of organizations that support funding for the federal student aid programs. This group has come together in response to the draconian cuts to student aid proposed by the administration in its FY 2018 skinny budget.
The first effort of the group is an open letter to Congress that includes 576 signatories in support of funding student financial aid. Signatories to letter represented students, educators, advocates, consumers, institutions, and employers. Specifically, the letter urged Congress to “protect the federal student loan program and strengthen Pell Grants, which are the nation’s most important investment in higher education” and oppose “any attempts to cut or reallocate funds away from federal student aid programs.”
This group will continue to take action in support of student aid as the congressional budget process develops.