Washington Update

White House Issues Revised Executive Order on International Travel

President Trump recently signed a new executive order that would block the issuance of new visas for individuals from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen for 90 days.  The order would also suspend the refugee program, and limit the number of refugees who would be admitted to the U.S. annually. 

Colleges and universities remain concerned that the new order will adversely affect international student enrollment, medical and scientific researchers, and international faculty who travel to, or work at, colleges and universities.  The new order would exempt current visa and green card holders from the travel ban.  However, it will have less immediate impact on current travel to and from the U.S than the prior ban, and the concern remains over longer term international populations being able to study and work in the U.S.

The new order replaces the prior travel ban that President Trump issued soon after taking office, and that was ultimately blocked by the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.  The new order, issued on March 6, no longer includes Iraq on the list of affected countries.  While the new order has been praised by some as a direct effort to fight terrorism, others have condemned it, and described the order as religious discrimination targeting Muslims.

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