Seen & Heard at the 2018 NAICU Annual Meeting
February 4, 2018
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Headed to DC for annual @NAICUtweets mtg & Hill visits to represent @nwciowa. Got many visits done in Omaha Airport. Great to visit with @johnthune from my SD days. What a class act! Also visited with @joniernst …
Kristen Soares@KristenSoares1
The @NAICUtweets Annual Meeting is happening now! This important event will have a lasting impact on the future of private, nonprofit higher education. We hope to see you!
Amanda Allen@amandaallen615
Great to run into you @NAICUtweets #naicu2018, @NWC_PGC! Thank you for all you do to advocate for @nwciowa and independent higher ed!
A big week... Heading to DC to meet with legislators and a meeting at the White House. Working to make things better for our students @WarnerU #NAICU2018 #MyAdventure #MyWarner

Preparing Our Campuses for Change: Session moderator Steven R. DiSalvo, Ph.D., president of Saint Anselm College (NH), left, poses a question to panelists Michelle Johnston, Ph.D., president of Rio Grande University (OH), Thomas L. Hellie, Ph.D., president of Linfield College, (OR), and Anne Prisco, Ph.D., president of Felician University (NJ).
Jim Newberry@mayornewberry
@NAICUtweets Annual Mtg presidents panel emphasizes trustee involvement in supporting/opposing federal #highered legislation. #naicu2018
February 5
Greek Life Panel @NAICUtweets Annual Meeting suggests that #highered institutions use transparent scorecards to grade their Greek orgs. Graded topics would reflect GPAs, retention rates, philanthropic efforts, & contribution toward institutional mission. #naicu2018
Is Greek Life Worth Saving?: Dillard University (LA) President Walter M. Kimbrough, Ph.D., and NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education President Kevin Kruger, Ph.D., discussed the future of Greek Life on campus |
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Julie Cohen@julie_s_c
@AEI @NormOrnstein discusses decline of community and rise of political tribalism @NAICUtweets #naicu2018
Great to hear the brilliant political commentator Norman Ornstein @NormOrnstein (and my great PoliSci prof back from in the day!) #Naicu2018
Ornstein on autocracy: it starts with attacks on free press (see Stalin) and then becomes attack on Truth itself. #naicu2018 @NormOrnstein
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The Changing Nature of the Political and Economic Landscape: Norman J. Ornstein, Ph.D., resident scholar and co-host of Election Watch, American Enterprise Institute, and contributing editor and columnist at the, National Journal and The Atlantic, discussed the current and future of the political sphere. |
Bryon Grigsby@bgrigsby24
@NormOrnstein autocracy: 1) attacks on the press, 2) attack on the truth, 3)cult of personality, 4)attack of judiciary #naicu2018
Bryon Grigsby@bgrigsby24
@NormOrnstein:bailout caused tea party on right and occupy on the left. This time was ripe for an outsider #naicu2018
Beth Stroble@websterpres
Norman Ornstein speaks at @NAICUtweets about changing nature of political, economic landscape #naicu2018
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Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Northeastern University President Joseph E. Aoun, Ph.D., discussed how colleges must begin to prepare students for their professional lives, while the professions themselves may be disappearing, with Michael Rogers, futurist-in-residence at The New York Times, and columnist at
NU Gov't Relations@timatnugov
@rogersma and @PresidentAoun are talking about how best to reach lifelong learns on their own terms to be @Robot_Proof #Naicu2018
NU Gov't Relations@timatnugov
@PresidentAoun is speaking now here at #Naicu2018 about making people #Robot_Proof though higher education.
Working together with Republicans: Former Chair of the Republican National Committee and Former Lieutenant Governor of the State of Maryland (2003-07) Michael S. Steele encouraged college presidents to reach out to members of Congress about their needs. |
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Jim Newberry@mayornewberry
Frmr GOP Chair Michael Steele says #HigherEd Act reauthorization presents college leaders opportunity to reinvolve federal legislators in higher ed issues for first time since 2008. #naicu2018
Steele says that politicians can "legislate the hell" for education without knowing anything about what is really needed #naicu2018
Jim Newberry@mayornewberry
Former GOP Chair encourages #highered leaders to help members of Congress understand impact of legislative decisions on lives of students and to make education a higher national priority. #naicu2018
Julie Cohen@julie_s_c
#naicu2018 presentation/ discussions today on value of college education and role of higher ed in fostering civil discourse @NAICUtweets
Timothy J. McDonough@mcdtimj
@MichaelSteele tells leaders at #NAICU2018 to engage business and community leaders in changing the political narrative around higher education ...@NAICUtweets @AgbGuardians
GCR at Pace U@paceugcr
GCR spoke with Michael Steele (@MichaelSteele) former Chair of the Republican National Committee, today about public policy challenges at colleges and universities and then attended a lecture of his on how the higher education community can best work with Republicans. #NAICU2018
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32nd Annual Paley Award Presentation: John B. Wilson, president and CEO of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in New Jersey, accepts the Henry Paley Memorial Award from NAICU President David L. Warren, Ph.D., North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities President A. Hope Williams, and NAICU Director of Outreach and State Relations Robert “Bo” Newsome. |
Timothy J. McDonough@mcdtimj
So pleased to attend #NAICU2018 and see my good friend and colleague, J.B. Wilson, receive the 32nd Annual Henry Paley Award!...@NAICUtweets #AICUNJ
February 6
President Camille@albertuspres
Beautiful morning walk, #naicu2018 meeting in our nation’s Capital. Looking forward to time w/CT members of Congress, including @rosadelauro & @SenBlumenthal. Advocacy for higher ed, #AlbertusMagnusCollege & the transformative, values&liberal arts-based education 4 CT’s students!
We have year-round Pell Grants available for @WarnerU students who qualify thanks to @RoyBlunt #naicu2018
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Capitol Hill Perspective: Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) chair of the Subcommittee on the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, & Related Agencies, Senate Committee on Appropriations, offered encouraging words on the importance of higher education and independent colleges and universities. |
Bryon Grigsby@bgrigsby24
@RoyBlunt “independent colleges serve lots of American families who don’t have a lot of money. “ Amen. #naicu2018
Bryon Grigsby@bgrigsby24
@RoyBlunt: year round Pell will make a big difference in student lives. #naicu2018
@RoyBlunt college education use to be about living a better life #Naicu2018
@RoyBlunt: US Higher Education is so strong because government stays out of it. #naicu2018
Sen Roy Blunt presenting at NAICU. Blunt helped increase Pell grant this year. We #naicu2018
GCR at Pace U@paceugcr
This morning GCR heard from Senator Roy Blunt and Congressman Derek Kilmer on higher education public policy perspectives from both sides of the aisle. #NAICU2018
Capitol Hill Perspective: Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-WA), member of the House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Interior and Environment and Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science, discussed the impact of higher education on the nation and the economy. |
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NU Gov't Relations@timatnugov
@RepDerekKilmer is talking to #Naicu2018 about the massive economic transformation in the last 20 years and thanks higher ed for preparing students to work in this new economy.
This morning #naicu2018 attendees heard from members of Congress about issues facing independent #highered. Dr. Isiaah Crawford, President @univpugetsound, introduced @RepDerekKilmer
Beth Stroble@websterpres
Rep. Derek Kilmer reflects on transformative impact of independent colleges #2018NAICU
Brian Browne@briantbrowne
Hard working crew of @CICU reps meeting w/ @SenSchumer earlier today during #NAICU2018 Every corner of NY represented. @StuAidAlliance @TASKuon
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Meeting on Capitol Hill: Presidents of New York private, nonprofit colleges and universities meet with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). |
NU Gov't Relations@timatnugov
Very good meeting with @RepRichardNeal in the Capitol @AICUM #NAICU2018
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AICCU Members on Capitol Hill: Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), third from left, hosted AICCU members to discuss the future of federal student aid. |
AICCU GR@aiccu_gr
@aiccucal Presidents had the pleasure of meeting with Rep. @JackieSpeier on issues affecting students and higher education. Thank you for your leadership and support!
David J. Fike @davidjfike
Glad to have had the opportunity to meet with legislative leaders to advocate for our #students #GGULaw #GGU #NAICU2018
Congressional Independent Colleges Caucus Reception:
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U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA), CICC co-chair, discussed |
Jefferson College of Health Sciences (VA) President Dr. Nathaniel L. Bishop (left) speaks with U.S. Rep. Robert Goodlatte (R-VA), CICC co-chair, during the annual caucus reception. |
February 7
Amanda Allen@amandaallen615
Channeling my inner poli sci nerd this morning hearing from @LarrySabato at #naicu2018
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Sabato's Crystal Ball: Larry J. Sabato, Ph.D., professor of politics and director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, offered perspectives on the current national political scene. |
Beth Stroble@websterpres
Sabato’s Crystal Ball witty and wise #NAICU2018
Jeff Abernathy@jeffabernathy
@LarrySabato — Biden almost certainly would have won in 2016: his negatives—speaking out of turn and saying dumb things—would have been eliminated in a race with Trump. #NAICU2018
Pete Boyle@peteboyle5
@AmericanU president @SylviaBurwell provides valuable advice and unique perspective to college presidents and leaders @NAICUtweets #NAICU2018
Challenges and Opportunities for a First Year President: American University President Sylvia Burwell discusses the transition from running the U.S. Department of Health and Humans Services to a private college, with NAICU President David L. Warren. |
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#naicu2018 closing plenary session featuring a conversation between @NAICUtweets President David Warren, former president of UM-related @OhioWesleyan, and @SylviaBurwell, new president of UM-related @AmericanU about the experience of her first year in the presidency #UMCHigherEd
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NAICU Leadership: Andrew Benton, president and CEO of Pepperdine University (CEO) begins a full terms as NAICU Board Chair with NAICU President David L. Warren. |
Pete Boyle @peteboyle5
That's a wrap! Thanks to all who attended, participated, contributed to #NAICU2018! Special thanks to @pepperdine President Andy Benton for his service as chair as he gavels the @NAICUtweets 2018 annual meeting to a close.