Washington Update

Application Available for CARES FIPSE Funds

The application for CARES Act funds to help institutions with exceptional unmet need due to the coronavirus is now available online. The deadline for filing the required intent to apply is September 10, while the final application deadline is October 20, 2020. 

There is $28 million available to help assist institutions with exceptional unmet need due to the coronavirus. Eligible institutions include those with more than 30 percent Pell Grant FTE at the time of the coronavirus emergency declaration (March 13, 2020), and/or those that were underserved by other CARES Act programs.  Examples in the latter category include institutions that did not receive a Paycheck Protection Program loan, serve large numbers of part-time students, or have exceptional unmet need due to the coronavirus, as explained in its application. 

According to the department, additional priority will be given to institutions that provide dual enrollment opportunities to students in rural communities or Opportunity Zones, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, or other minority serving institutions, and/or are “committed to developing more resilient instructional delivery models, such as distance learning, that make learning possible even when students cannot be physically present on campus for any reason.”

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