March 02, 2023
VA Extends Reporting Deadline
The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) announced a temporary extension of its deadline for reporting the enrollment status of Veteran students. The extension is a result of the time needed for the VA to transition from the VA-ONCE platform to Enrollment Manager.
The enrollment systems will be down until March 6 for the transition to Enrollment Manager. Since information cannot be reported during this transition, institutions should collect all enrollment certifications and changes in student status during the down period and submit them in the new system once it is up and running, but no later than May 1, 2023.
Under normal circumstances, the VA requires institutions to “report without delay” any new or updated information on Veteran student enrollment status. This includes “enrollment, entrance, reentrance, change in the hours of credit or attendance, pursuit, interruption and termination of attendance” for any Veteran using GI Bill benefits for their education.
The enrollment systems will be down until March 6 for the transition to Enrollment Manager. Since information cannot be reported during this transition, institutions should collect all enrollment certifications and changes in student status during the down period and submit them in the new system once it is up and running, but no later than May 1, 2023.
Under normal circumstances, the VA requires institutions to “report without delay” any new or updated information on Veteran student enrollment status. This includes “enrollment, entrance, reentrance, change in the hours of credit or attendance, pursuit, interruption and termination of attendance” for any Veteran using GI Bill benefits for their education.