1x1 with Subtitles 9x16 with Subtitles 16x9 no Subtitles 16x9 with Subtitles |
Suggested Dimensions by Platform:
YouTube: 16x9
Facebook: 16x9, 1x1, 9x16
Instagram: 1x1
Snapchat: 9x16
Twitter: 16x9 and 1x1
Social Media Graphics

Pell Grant 50

Proud Pell Blue

Proud Pell White

Double Graph


Why DoublePell
Sample Social Media Messages:
Pell Grants are a proven bipartisan program and the fairest and most efficient way to help low-income and first-generation students access and complete college. Additional grant aid helps keep low-income students in college and on track to graduation. #DoublePell
If the Pell Grant is doubled, not only will current students receive increased grants, but the pool of eligible students will grow, providing more working-class students access to aid. #DoublePell
We are proud to join a national campaign to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000. [Name of institution] students & community, go to to write your member of Congress and engage on social media. #DoublePell
[Name of institution] students & community: We’re excited to share! You can use it to urge your member of Congress to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000 & communicate on social media. #DoublePell
[Name of institution] students: Tell Congress now is the time to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000! Go to to write your lawmaker & engage on social media. #DoublePell