Inside Higher Ed

‘Principled Neutrality’

May 05, 2022

Daniel Diermeier, Chancellor, Vanderbilt University writes: Conversations about free speech on campus often focus on the intolerance of divergent viewpoints among students and faculty. And indeed, maintaining a culture of open discourse and free expression is essential if universities are to fulfill their mission. Our purpose lies in providing our students with a transformative education and providing our faculty members with an environment where they can engage in pathbreaking research. Both education and research are best served in an academic climate where students and faculty can feel free to debate complex issues and challenge conventional wisdom. As Alexander Heard, Vanderbilt University’s fifth chancellor, put it in 1965, “The university’s obligation is not to protect students from ideas, but rather to expose them to ideas, and to help make them capable of handling, and, hopefully, having ideas.”

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