Seen and Heard at the 2015 Annual Meeting
Nearly 400 NAICU members gathered in Washington, DC, February 1-4 for the Association’s 2015 Annual Meeting and Advocacy Day. Below are a selection of tweets and photos recapping the sights and sounds of the meeting.
Links to selected presentations and remarks.
Hill Visits During Advocacy Day
U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) greets NAICU member presidents from Iowa during Advocacy Day activities.
Presidents getting briefed on policy issues before going to the hill. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Getting a policy update at #naicu2015 in preparation to go to the Hill to advocate on higher ed policy. - NU Gov't Relations @TIMatNUGov
Senator @CoryBooker (D-NJ) recently met with President Drucker (red tie) and other NJ members of @NAICUtweets. - Fairleigh Dickinson @FDUWhatsNew
Looking forward to visiting @SenDanCoats today with @smwcprez. - Rachel J. Leslie @RleslieRachel
Thank you to @SenAlexander and @SenBobCorker and their staffs for productive conversations today regarding higher education. - John Lowry @johnrlowry
RT @AICUOhio: Thanks to @senrobportman for talking to Ohio's independent colleges and universities today! - Michael Egenreider @megenreider
I appreciate @RepFleming's support of aid for students and his call to educate graduates who can pay back loans. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Thank you @DavidVitter for taking time to meet with me and asking my opinion on #HigherEd legislation. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Looking forward to visiting @SenDanCoats today with @smwcprez. - RleslieRachel @RleslieRachel
Thoughtful, in-depth and engaging conversation with Senator Cassidy about DOE's proposed college rating system. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Great 2 see reps from @NAICUtweets in our nation’s capital today. - Senator Deb Fischer @SenatorFischer
Enjoyed our visit w/ @SenRandPaul representing @NAICUtweets & @aikcu students across the commonwealth! - @BresciaPrezJames L. Hurley @jlhbears
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Federal College Rating System
Jamienne S. Studley, deputy under secretary, U.S. Department of Education, followed by a panel of NAICU member presidents.

This should be fun! Federal College Rating System. - Bryon Grigsby @bgrigsby24
We hope ratings will speed up adoption of best practices on affordability, student support, etc - Studley at #naicu2015 @usedgov - TRINITYPREZ
We want to avoid perverse incentives and encourage access, persistence, completion - "do no harm" - Studley @usedgov #PIRS #naicu2015 - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Benchmarking may be the most important part of ratings - Depty Undersec Studley @usedgov #naicu2015 - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Your focus should be on access affordability outcomes NOT wealth as in USNews rankings - clear not complex - Studley on #PIRS #naicu2015 - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Studley is sensitive to college ratings concerns but the next administration staff will implement... What of this will endure? - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
"We do not want to overvalue earnings" - so why collect earnings data? #PIRS #naicu2015 @usedgov slippery slope here beware! - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Shenandoah Prez Fitzsimmons: college ratings dumb it down to Siskel + Ebert thumbs up/down is that the fed gov't job?- TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Fitzsimmons: not every idea should be carried to completion. - Bryon Grigsby @bgrigsby24
Studley gracious response "we are all on the same team" she understands the issues but @WhiteHouse does not and is forcing this #naicu2015 - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Prez Christopher Nelson of St. John's College gets it right: We don't need ratings system! - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Nelson: ratings fundamentally mischaracterize education as a commodity reduced to a few metrics not central to mission. - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Well-intended professionals working with low income students sometimes limit the agency of students to choose - Kalamazoo Prez… - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Kalamazoo Prez Eileen Wilson-Oyelaran speaks eloquently of lifelong commitment to access for low income students #naicu2015 - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Wilson-Oyelaran:we do accountability already.Rating system unlikely to improve clear, reliable, valid data already in UCAN… - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Wilson-Oyelaean:Ratings will send pernicious message to students/ families abt what's important.YES!!! Are u listening @usedgov? #naicu2015 - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Proud of my colleagues for their thoughtful & passionate comments around the many flaws of the proposed college rating system. - Jim Troha @JuniataPrzTroha
RT @JuniataPrzTroha: An important conversation today at #naicu2015 about the DOE's federal college rating system. - Steve Bragaw @stevebragaw
Presidential colleagues speak with passion, conviction, knowledge, experience about fundamental flaws in proposed PIRS #naicu2015 - Beth Stroble @websterpres
The Future of Reaching Your Audiences Is Now…And It’s Very Bright
Chris Martin, journalist, educator, marketer and communications consultant.
Public Relations Academy: Most CEOs want what college presidents have - audience attention. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
The currency of the degree binds audiences to college news. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Journalist Chris Martin shared a college student's thoughts on social media; "if the news is that important it will find me." - Rachel J. Leslie @RleslieRachel
Interactive is the great disrupter. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Chris Martin ROI in social media for higher Ed is the many people join the conversation. -Terri Standish-Kuon @TASKuon
Martin: Universities have turned decentralization into an artwork. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe:
Martin: YouTube may overtake Google as most used search tool. Video and imagery have never been more important. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Martin: Snapchat is the fastest growing tool. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Martin tips: don't pigeonhole social media. Everyone should be well-versed. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Martin tips: get web team and video team working with events. Maximize what otherwise would be an ephemeral moment. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Links to select presentations and remarks.
Emory and Ebola: We Can Fear or We Can Care
Nancy Seideman, associate vice president, media relations, Emory University (GA) and Vincent J. Dollard, associate vice president, for communications, Robert W. Woodruff Health Sciences Center, Emory University
Next up: Emory and Ebola, with one of my mentors from Emory - Nancy Seideman. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory and Ebola: "We can fear if we can care." - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory: It is very important to be in the first news cycle to establish and control disciplined message. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory: 6-7 days to move Ebola social media trend from negative to positive. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory: As media savvy as the medical staff were, no one did an interview without rehearsal and practice. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory: News media will take the shortest route to the most sensational headlines. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory: published all protocols on website as soon as they were developed - for other hospitals. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory: None of the Ebola patients signed HIPPA waivers. Emory never named the patients. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory: Kudos to AP for finding out the name of one Ebola patient and responsibly not releasing it for lack of confirmation. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Emory: Chief Nursing Executive Susan Grant shared a message of mission and care in a Washington Post op-ed. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Talking About Debt
Beth Akers, fellow, Brown Center on Education Policy, Brookings Institution

Akers: The data do not support concluding that there is a broad looming student debt crisis. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Akers: the crisis the media is painting on student debt is misleading and missing other crises in higher education finance. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
E Akers #NAICU2015 Those with student debt more likely to own home. Counter to media narrative. - Dave McFadden @MUPresDave:
Akers: 25 pct. of growth in student debt over 20 years is due to more people getting more education. That's good-right? - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
E Akers: Median monthly student loan payment = 4% of income. Lower than 20 yrs ago. "Stunning" given media narrative. - Dave McFadden @MUPresDave:
Akers: The ratio of mean debt to monthly income has dropped substantially over 20 years. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Akers: BUT, student debt payments are spread out over a longer period of time, with more interest paid over life of loan. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Akers: Is student debt worth it? Yes. Lifetime earnings grow faster than debt. Look at long run not annual earnings. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Akers: Real crisis may be students underestimating the amount of debt they are taking on. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Akers: In a single institution survey, only 38% of students accurately estimated amount of debt they were incurring. - David Rowe@PresidentRowe
E Akers #NAICU2015 #EducROI Earnings advantages for college grads have kept pace with tuition growth. Higher costs bringing higher rewards. - Dave McFadden @MUPresDave
borrowers in 2013, =<$10K. What did u borrow 4 your 1st car? - Terri Standish-Kuon @TASKuon
Akers: ROI on college degrees is keeping pace with rise of tuition. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
E. Akers #NAICU2015 Should look at what student debt has bought individuals/nation, not compare to first job income or total balance. - Dave McFadden @MUPresDave:
Akers is a fan of income based repayment plans. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
End of Greatness
Aaron David Miller, author of “The End of Greatness: Why America Can’t Have (and Doesn’t Want) Another Great President,” and vice president, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.Aaron David Miller: "Our nation is not lacking just shared governance but shared responsibility and sacrifice." - Scott Flanagan @sflanaganec
Aaron Miller: Happiest professionals combine passion with expertise.’ - Bryon Grigsby @bgrigsby24
Miller: passion without expertise is dangerous; expertise without passion is boring! - Bryon Grigsby @bgrigsby24
Impact of Sports in America: NFL, NCAA, Olympics, Media & Money
Christine Brennan, national sports columnist, USA Today
Brennan: 16 hours ago I was in University of Phoenix stadium for USA Today. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe

Brennan: Had to rewrite column after the last play of the game and scramble to meet deadline. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
Christine Brennan fresh from the Super Bowl speaks at #naicu2015 thanks! @cbrennansports love the tale of "the play" last nite! - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
I never threw #LikeAGirl but let's make that term a positive! @cbrennansports. - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Sports used to be escapist but now takes us to top social issues - drugs abuse racism. - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
At #naicu2015 @cbrennansports it's the job of the sports media to bring the hard issues out into the public eye even though sad for McGwire/Sosa eg. - TRINITYPREZ @TRINITYPREZ
Brennan: Increasingly, sports is no longer an escape from reality but a reflection of it. - David Rowe @PresidentRowe
NAICU Prayer Breakfast
Speaker Tori Murden McClure, president of Spalding University (KY), discussed the personal quest and sense of discovery that led her to be the first woman to row a boat, alone, without assistance, across the Atlantic Ocean.
President McClure talks about her rowing experiences. Inspiring and delightful! - Beth Stroble @websterpres
Rowers do most things backwards. Clever metaphor from President McClure talks at prayer breakfast. - Beth Stroble @websterpres
NAICU Awards and Presentations
![]() | NAICU President David L. Warren presented the 29th Annual Henry Paley Award to Christopher B. Nelson, president of St. John's College (MD). Nelson's remarks | |
NAICU President David Warren presents Shenandoah University (VA) President | ![]() | |
![]() | Fitzsimmons passes the gavel to 2015 Chair |
Links to select presentation and remarks.
Save the Date:
2016 NAICU Annual Meeting
January 31 - February 3, 2016
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
For more information, please contact:
Paul Hassen