Washington Update

Department of Education Releases Draft Gainful Employment Completers List

The Department of Education posted Gainful Employment (GE) Electronic Announcement #78 on May 31, 2016, providing important information on the process for the calculation and release of GE Program Debt-to-Earnings (D/E) rates. Two items are of particular note:

  1. As of June 1, 2016, the Department should have issued Draft GE Completers Lists to institutions.
  2. Institutions will have 45 days to submit corrections to the GE Completers List. The 45-day period, however, will not begin until the Department has determined the exact process for submitting corrections to the GE Completers List. It is expected that the process will be finalized later in June.

The Department’s ultimate goal is to publish institutional gainful employment rates in January 2017.

The Electronic Announcement also provides information on how to view and work with the Completers List file, guidance on whether to submit corrections, and training opportunities, including a series of informational webinars.

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