Telegram & Gazette, Worcester, MA

The Case for Doubling Pell Grants

September 17, 2021

Assumption University (MA) President Francesco C. Cesareo writes:  As colleges and universities across the nation, and many in the city of Worcester, commence a new academic year, we are collectively reminded of the ubiquitous need for additional financial resources to enable more individuals, specifically those with modest financial means, to obtain a college degree. Since 1972, federal financial aid in the form of Pell Grants has provided transformational opportunities to countless students in their pursuit of a college degree. Nearly 90 percent of Pell Grant funds benefit students with a family income below $50,000 across all races and ethnicities. These federal grants are an essential bridge to a college degree for students with a demonstrated financial need. For many, Pell Grants are the difference between pursuing a college degree and abandoning that dream. 